Thursday, December 04, 2003

Marriage... a topic brought up frequently with some of my friends taking that big (dreaded?) step forward and plunging into that unknown, turbulent and sometimes rewarding phase of life. To many, its a sacred (religious) path to take; to declare each other as man and wife, to live happily ever after. Or, to some pple, it is merely a license allowing both parties to have sex. Lol. I prefer to think of it as the sacred path.
A friend of mine... lets call her G, went through some pre-marital pains the other day. Looks like marriage is so difficult, even the events leading up to the marriage are so tough. BIG factor: In-laws. Love them or hate them, they would soon be part of your family.... and similarly they would have to accept the fact that you are part of their family as well. No wonder pple say that marriage does not simply involve the man and wife, but the families as well. G has experienced some problems with the in-law side.... religious and stuff. Its really unfortunate... but I guess all she can do is hang in there, be patient and give them time to accept her. But also as a guy... this is what i say.... the guy has GOT to help out here. I mean... come on you're the MAN and she's your friggin wife for crying out loud. Support her, and be the link between her and your family. Thats the least you could possibly do.
Next time I'm gonna make camp at my prospective wife's place.... make sure her parents get REAL used to me. Heh. I think its important... that should probably be the situation even before i attempt to propose.
Hmm don't know about you guys.... but its kinda scary discussing marriage already.... damn. I mean.... are we getting older or what? Man i wanna stay young.


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