Saturday, December 13, 2003

Alrite... 1 down 3 more to go. Kinda relieved to have Bioen 302 out of the way... now my main worry would be biochemistry. Sigh. Demmit I hate biochem.
Its weird how it seems as though some pple have to study really hard while others don't have to at all. I know my neighbours have been watching tv and playing PS2 the whole time I'm struggling at my books. Demmit I wonder what course they are taking. Main question is: will all my efforts now be rewarded in the future? I mean if my playful neighbour becomes a rich successful person while I'm like this poor researcher (still) slogging away in the labs, that would pretty much suck. Humph. Well I guess life ain't fair anyway.
Anyway this goes out to the pple suffering out there together with me (I know u are xianne). All the best... and it'll soon be over. And xianne, just do best yah... man u sound so discouraged its scary. If u did your best, its fine trust me. God bless. :)


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