Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Duke is a very pretty place.

Buildings like these are scattered all over campus; part of a very gothic influenced culture. The highlight of the place however, is this rather breathtaking chapel in the center of the school. Pictures might not do it justice I'm afraid.

Spent the better part of the day exploring more of the campus and familiarizing myself with the place. Things felt a little less foreign compared to my first day on campus, when I was really struggling to keep myself from getting lost (and then get laughed at by you Hui).

Took a walk to the place where I would be spending the better part of my one plus year here.
Yup the Fitzpatrick center! This is the building where my department is located. Pretty nice place actually... and bloody huge. Took me a while to finally get to the office. Was really glad to find the advisors EXTREMELY helpful. Maybe its part of the Southern hospitality I've been hearing so much about. Which is possible actually, cos many of the people here speak with a very distinct Southern drawl. Haha. Its quite cute; lets see if I can pick some of that accent up. =P

Having some time in the afternoon, I then decided to explore OUTSIDE the campus. One problem with Duke is that its kinda in the middle of nowhere. =( There isn't the convenience of the Ave like in UW. Food places are thus rather hard to find! I saw on the map however, this mall which seemed to be located relatively close to campus and so took a walk over there. NOTE TO SELF: SHORT DISTANCES ON MAP CAN STILL BE RELATIVELY FAR. T_T Took me a half hour plus to walk over there... but I finally found it!!
Haha guess what? Northgate mall!! (Ok I guess only Seattle pple will understand the significance). Was rather amused... maybe these malls are opened by some huge syndicate throughout the US? I wonder. Anyway I took a walk around, and even the design within the mall is very similar to that in Seattle! HMMMM. Too bad couldn't take any pics... the security guard would think I am a terrorist. =(

Okie gotta change and get ready for this graduate student welcoming ceremony later. Tata for now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wa it's so EASY to leave a comment on ur blog! =p
nice pics with ur new toy!
(i can't rem my previous comments liao)

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey! sounds like you're getting yourself all adjusted
somehow we always seem to be at the same life stage. i'm going through the same thing as you.. so keep chuggin my friend! your friend on the west coast is right there with ya!

7:47 PM  
Blogger nongi said...

AHA~ Northgate Mall is deeply rooted in your destiny now =P
and yeah, ur campus does feel a bit huge. still walking around with a map in hand?
good luck with everything!!

9:10 AM  

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