Saturday, January 24, 2004

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!

Hmm realised its been a LOONG time since I actually updated this heh heh. More than a month now. So much has happened, it would be tiring to type it all down. In summary, I had an excellent winter break with great company (all thanks to Leonard, Pearl and Rivai). I believe wat Xianne says is right; most of the time the place u visit does not matter more than the pple u visit the place with. As long as the company is good, the trip can't be all that bad.

Speaking of Xianne, I had her and Yiguang over in Seattle as my guests for a week. It was wayyy cool... and I think ultimately we all grew closer from this experience. I mean.... we have been childhood friends for so long... but I think this was like the first time we actually spent a holiday (well holiday for them, school for me) together without the company of our parents. All in all it was fun ( I hope :P). Tried to be a good host... haha.

Read this article that I found rather amusing. Apparently, there is this form of depression which is linked to gloomy weather. It is termed SAD - Seasonal Activity Disorder. Well obviously Seattle pple do suffer from this quite a big given the tremendous amount of rainfall we get... but get this; the treatment for this kind of depression is literally exposure to light. Patients of this syndrome are placed in a room where they are subjected to warm and at an intensity which isn't too glaring, light for 4-5 hours. This is done on a regular basis (for example 3 times a week). The report suggests a 70% success rate. Haha... I dunno... I just find the treatment method very amusing.

Another interesting fact (bear with me here). Approximately 250 million Chinese are expected to hit the road during the period of the Lunar New Year. To better grasp this figure, this is equivalent to every American family hitting the highways AT THE SAME TIME. In other words, utter chaos. Haha. Then again, makes u marvel at how far the Chinese pple have spread across the globe. Absolutely amazing.

Till next time, best wishes in the new year and may all ur resolutions come true!

P.S. Thank you San Ee for the hongbao. :) Just realized that u knew the existence of this blog haha.