Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ok yes i know its been ages since I last posted. Just to quickly recap what has happened since then:

1. I have technically graduated, but will still be at Duke till Dec.
2. Currently am working at an internship doing market research for this biotech VC company. Its pretty mundane stuff, but hopefully it'll get more interesting with time.
3. Parents came and visited, took a long road trip. NYC - Toronto - Montreal - Quebec - Boston - DC.
4. George W. Bush is sadly still President of USA.

Ok that aside, trip with parents was fun. A quick list of things/facts from that holiday.
1. Total distance covered = 1600 miles
2. Rate of water consumption by mom = 3 * 500ml bottles every 100 miles
3. Rate of toilet stops needed as a result of said consumption = once every 100 miles T_T
4. Niagara Falls is WAY prettier from Canada side. Forget about the US side. Seriously.
5. Toronto/Montreal/Quebec have the sneakiest police. I must have passed through like 20 speed traps and countless numbers of police cars lying in wait by the road. And no I didn't get caught. Guess I'm sneakier =P
6. Travelling into Quebec state feels like going into an entirely different country. All signs are in French.
7. North South East West is Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest in French. Very evident from all the street signs.
8. Quebec city is awesome. Everyone should visit there.
9. The drive through New Hampshire/Vermont en route to Boston is incredibly scenic.
10. New Hampshire has the most kick ass state tagline - 'Live Free or Die'. Suddenly the title of 'Live Free or Die Hard' makes so much more sense now.
11. It is always a bad idea to visit DC on memorial day weekend.

Summer in Durham hasn't been that bad. The weather is pretty nice; allows me to get in a tennis game on a regular basis. The one thing that has been driving me nuts though has been the total recycling of songs on my most frequented radio channel. The 2 most irritating songs right now? T Pain's Buy you a Drink and (this one i ABSOLUTELY ABHOR) Sean Kingston's Beautiful Girl. Gosh everything he sings 'Suicidal' in that song, I feel like jumping off a cliff.

Have a good summer everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you finally posted!!! haven't spoken with you in forever...this is one of those long awaited dramas and luckily it was worth it! Sounds like you've been doing well w/ all the traveling and graduating!!! Congrats on that! You must tell me more about your VC experience...must be exciting. And I agree..those 2 songs - absolutely HORRID...I immediately change the channel once I hear the first note! haha

8:09 PM  
Blogger nongi said...

yay~ updates!!!
cannot agree more with those songs, hopefully other popsy songs on the radio's constant replay on can help you get them out of your head~ =P
i want to go to the french-wannabe province too!!! pix pix yo~

btw, i almost chocked on my rice when i read bout bush still being the president. lol.
oh well... sad and cruel truth...

9:28 PM  

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