Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So... I've been back home for a few weeks now.

Singapore has been fun and all. Good food, friends and family. =) Fantastic combination indeed.

Christmas and New Year back here has been quite the experience. I guess the company makes everything fun, but like what Xianne says, its way too friggin crowded. Basically everyone comes out to play (what else could Singaporeans do anyway?) and so yup. Recipe for mayhem right there.

Misunderstandings bother me. I guess sometimes when things aren't spelled out clearly, they do make for a rather uncomfortable ending. At the end of the day, its not just one party that suffers, but both.

Happy 2007 everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah cor Mark. how come you like to talk in riddles? what misunderstandings? Who got hurt? Now I'll have to call you to find out.



6:16 PM  

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