Friday, August 25, 2006

There was once a man named Sam.

Sam wanted to win the lottery. He wanted to win it BAD. He knew the odds were not so good but being a religious man, he decided to ask God for help as he knew that with God all things were possible.

Sam then prayed every morning that he would win the lottery. But he didn't win.

He then began praying 3 times a day to win the lottery. He continued this for over a year, but he still didn't win.

Finally he began praying constantly, all day everyday, to win the lottery. He did this for several years but he STILL didn't win. Despite all this, his faith didn't waver. He continued to pray, "Lord it's me Sam. Please let me win the lottery."

One day God actually replied.

"Sam," the Lord said, "it would help if you bought a ticket in the first place."

Moral of the story: Sometimes, things won't happen if you don't make an effort of some sort.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how true. thank you for the reminder kai.

i guess you gotta actually start making an effort sometimes huh? but really, in some aspects, too much an effort ain't necessary.

the way i look at it, the more you force it, the more it's not gonna happen. so yea.

11:40 PM  

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