Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Woke up today feeling extraordinarily tired; no idea why. Couldn't say that it was a bad sleep either, it was just like any other sleep i've had on any other night. Close eyes, next thing i know its morning liao. But normally even though I suffer from that getting-out-of-bed-reluctance, this time was worse... felt almost like a hungover. Which technically is impossible unless a glass of port could have gotten me drunk. -bleah-

Anyway the lethargy carried on through my work, which is not really good considering that I was performing experiments through the better part of the morning. And, as other researchers can probably emphathise with me, experiments require precise, step-by-step execution for success. Doesn't take a genius to guess how my experiments turned out. =(

After that met up with Yui for lunch. Lunch with her has become rather common on Mondays, and I must say she does provide interesting company. Never really had meals with her 1-on-1 prior to this period; somehow the opportunity never arose I guess. Our timings coincided these days (esp on Mon) so it has become more of a routine even. Yui is funny... she has this weird way of putting things... and adds it with her quirky laughter, which somehow automatically makes everything seem humorous. Heh. Lunch with her is never a dull affair, although she almost never has an opinion of where to eat. Grrr. Her reply to 'Where do you wanna eat?' would always be 'Anything..' Sigh.

Rest of the day passed uneventfully... cooked and ate dinner at home with leonard followed by another blockbuster video. Its weird... I know there are many movies that I've not yet seen, but somehow whenever I go to blockbuster to select movies... its so hard to find one. Issit to do with blockbuster's selection? Or just me being picky? Hmm anyway if anyone has any suggestions tell me and I'll look for them the next time.

Till my next entry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should really really sleep MORE. yes yui is funny and direct..which is what makes her such a nice company =)

2:49 AM  

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