Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Okok i know its been quite a while since I updated. Not like I've been busy or anything, more so cos I'm lazy and all. =P
Was chatting with a friend recently, and somehow the conversation drifted to blogging. He just couldn't understand the fascination of blogging, or more specifically, why the heck do pple read other strangers' blogs in the first place? That got me wondering; and I simply came up with a few (albeit obvious) reasons.

1. We're kaypoh la.
Come on, if someone's written diary was somehow in ur possession, would you not be tempted at all to sneak a peek? Its this inate curiousity that exists in all of us. If you claim not to feel a single tinge of temptation to read someone's diary if given the opportunity to, you're a bloody liar.
Blogs are thus this way to lend insight to a person's life, his/her feelings, thinkings, activities blah blah. You get the picture. Of cos a lot of very much depends on how well that particular person expresses himself/herself. But definitely kaypoh-ness plays a MAJOR factor. Don't deny hor.

2. That person is HOT.
Okok its not simply because that person is hot and so thats why his/her blog is popular. But umm... definitely it helps la. Especially for really pretty/cute girls who post many pics of themselves up on the blog. Its an attraction factor duh. I'm not saying that these girls post the pictures simply just to attract more readers, but regardless, the pictures do achieve that desired effect.

3. That person is super funny/interesting.
Now these are the pple who really attain their reputation by keeping blogs with witty and interesting entries. It is the content of these entries which really draw pple to their blogs. Now this is not a mutually exclusive event from point 2, of cos interesting/witty blogs can be written by extremely hot pple as well. In that case, you can expect that blog to be doubly popular la. An example of this would be Xiaxue.

More and more pple are being drawn into the world of blogging... and its actually really interesting to see. Everyone has their own writing style, their unique sense of humor, the way they express themselves. An example would be my friend Cindy who wrote an entire entry describing her shit. -shrug- Its downright amazing.

Till next time. =)


Blogger nongi said...

hm... are you trying to say that you're hot and/or interesting??? hehehehe ^___^
blogging is fun lah~ i guess we just have to stop being lazy and keep updating (yes, i'm saying this to myself too)

1:36 AM  
Blogger junkoba said...

Hey Mark, nice blog...
I've been to lazy to charish my blog, I should start taking care of it again...

It might be hard to see if my blog is HOT, yet I will try to make it as hot as I could.... hmmm hopeless...

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how we can turn your reasons back on you. but yea, your friend Cindy writing about her own like in the literal sense, fecal matter? now that is truly amazing. how are you doing over there hon?

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

definitely 1
definitely you're NOT 2
perhaps you're 3, but your blog aint


5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogging is gay.

make ur blog pink pls

;D ^.^p

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OR, none of the above, but because the blogger is ur friend, so BO PIEN! hahahahahaa

6:52 PM  

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