Monday, September 12, 2005

Okie I'm sorry bout the lack of updates... recently laptops over here have been cursed! Mine, Leo's and Oyo's all spoiled within a few days of each other. Its weird; almost freaky. Oyo and mine laptop screens just gave out on us, while Leonard's laptop seemed as if it rained on it.

Have sent my laptop in for repairs; am crossing my fingers that it'll be fixed easily, quickly and cheaply. =P Too much to hope for? Ah well.

Will be headed to Yosemite next Monday... I resolve to set up a Flickr account so everyone can see pics. Heh. My mom complains I don't share photos enough =P.

P.S. hey Jomo! How're u doing? =) Set up ur blog yet? Leave me the URL if u have...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes! flickr is cool! post your pics there and put a badge on your blog too. and make sure you add me as a contact

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey wassup homie!
have fun at yosemite and i hope that laptop of yours (and of your friends') get fixed soon. i can't imagine going without my computer for that long. a true denizen of the modern world :)

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome baq to the blog world!

3:23 PM  

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